Campus Ministry
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
– St. Catherine of Siena
Rooted by the Four Pillars of Dominican Life and the Five Sinsinawa Core Values, the Campus Ministry Department at Dominican nurtures the faith development of all students and helps students build a deeper relationship with Christ Jesus.
Throughout their four years at Dominican, students will:
- Learn how to incorporate the pillars of Dominican life of Community, Study, Prayer, and Preaching into their daily life.
- Develop an understanding of how different societal factors affect the whole human person and how they can help live out the themes of Catholic Social Teaching.
- Grow in their individual relationship with God through prayer, community service, in-depth reflection, and discussion with teachers, classmates, and mentors.
- Develop a regular habit of prayer and incorporate community service into their daily life.
- Begin to discern their vocation and how they can live out the Church’s universal call to holiness.