Dominican Earns Exemplary Recognition
Dominican is proud to share that it has been awarded Exemplary Recognition for Mission and Catholic Identity from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
The words of the passage from the Gospel of Luke are beautifully represented by the Dominican logo with the four pillars of Dominican life: prayer, study, community, and preaching holding up the Light of Christ. Dominican serves as a beacon of light in the Archdiocese through its ministry and the living of its mission as an Exemplary Catholic High School.
Based on the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools, this award honors schools that have demonstrated innovation and outstanding achievement in the presence, consistency, and complete integration of the mission and identity of the Catholic faith in their entire school community. This award is only given to a handful of schools every other year. To earn this award, Dominican was evaluated both on its written application and through a site visit conducted by a team from the Archdiocese as they interviewed faculty, staff, students, parents, and board members.
Though all aspects of the Dominican experiences were reviewed, a few specific areas were commended within the overall school community. Most notably, the Disputatio Guidelines for Public Discourse, the Uknighted Service program, and the thorough nature in which the Dominican charism and Catholic faith were integrated into all aspects of student life.
“While the students, faculty, and staff at Dominican have always strived to live out our Catholic faith and embody the Dominican mission, winning this award is a profound recognition of the hard work in putting the life of Christ at the center of all that we do,” Campus Minister Nate Friday ’09 said.