Veritas Preaching Team
The Veritas Team is comprised of students who have heard the call to deepen their faith through leadership. As the Order of Preachers, Dominicans are called to live their charism of Preaching. These students work to fulfill the Dominican Charism by preaching in word, in deed, and in action throughout the school year.
Veritas Team members attend the annual Dominican-Sponsored Preaching Conference at Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan. The conference, a program of the Dominican Youth Movement USA, brings together students from Dominican-sponsored high schools throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Australia. Students are immersed in the Dominican charism of preaching as they learn, pray, reflect, and discern how they can share the Good News of the Gospel within the community. Veritas students incorporate what they learn at this conference and serve on various campus ministry committees, preach at all-school Masses, lead morning prayer, and other various leadership responsibilities throughout the Dominican community.
Please visit the websites of our partners in ministry with the Veritas Team: